What We Do
Unified Communications & Collaboration
If you’re like most organizations who operate inside a building, you’re probably still maintaining two networks; one for phone, and the other for data. That includes the cables running along side each other throughout the building and the two sets of expensive equipment they require. The question to ask yourself is… why??
- What IS Unified Communications?
- Today:
- Your Next Phone System
- Cost Elimination & Reduction
- Redefining Collaboration
What IS Unified Communications?
Not too long ago getting your workday started took a bit of time. First you checked the mail. Then you checked the fax machine. Then you checked your voicemail on a voicemail system. They you checked your email on a computer system. Then you had to blend it all together to figure out what needed your attention first.
Then came the “universal inbox” in which all your voicemail, faxes, and email arrived in one place. A definite improvement.

- You may start out messaging a colleague about something you want to discuss. They may answer immediately or sometime later at which point you trade text messages for a while.
- As the conversation grows you decide it would be better (and give your fingers a rest) if you spoke about the issue. So you click on your screen and the two of you are talking to each other.
- The conversation starts to get deeper, so you ask your colleague if its okay to video. And you click at which point you both appear on each other’s displays.
- Your discussing the results of a spreadsheet and you want to point out a few key concerns, so you click and you’re sharing your spreadsheet on the screen where you can both see it, talk about it, and even make changes on it.
Moving from one mode to another is virtually effortless. A click. Simple. And equally simple no matter which client endpoint device you’re using. Nothing could be more flexible. There are absolutely no obstacles to you communicating however you’d both like to. Enables you and your people to work together to get it done, no matter what it is!

Your Next Phone System
Your next phone switch may be no switch at all. You don’t even need to install any equipment on premises if you don’t want to. ProTech IT Group Inc. enables your entire workforce and community to communicate effortlessly from wherever they are on whatever device they have across the network of their choice at any time. All the technology needed is in the cloud. Unified Communication as a Service (UCaaS) is in use by organizations large and small. Need to add a user? Simply order another subscription.
Every call between your own locations is free of charge because it never crosses the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Same with transmission of information via email, fax, file transfer and more.
Your people will reach each other or transfer calls to each other on convenient extensions just as they’re used to and calls to anyone will be automatically routed to the PSTN. Voicemail with text transcription of every voicemail is emailed to the appropriate user. Conference calls, caller-on-hold, and the other services you’ve come to expect are there, including a few new ones!

Cost Elimination & Reduction
It’s easy enough to start calculating in your head just how much you’ll save with your own UC system or UCaaS. You eliminate that ton of equipment humming in your network closet, and you don’t have to maintain it, power it, cool it, or manage it anymore. You don’t pay for calls between your own locations, and that includes mobile users who call into any office from anywhere. ProTech IT Group Inc. helps you seek out and identify any remaining unnecessary costs. All you pay is a monthly per user fee.

Redefining Collaboration
Time is also money, so let’s examine how you save time by completely changing the definition of collaboration among your people, your associates, your suppliers, and your customers.
Time was that collaborating on a project happened in a conference room somewhere. Perhaps in your office suite. Perhaps in a local hotel. Perhaps in a distant locale that everyone had to fly to. Eliminate those travel and lodging costs. Nobody needs to go anywhere.
Documents had to be passed around from the author to someone responsible for editing, then to someone who had to check the math, then to the graphics department for sprucing, then to the first approver, the second and so on. Simply getting something approved could take weeks. Proposals won’t wait weeks. Save those weeks and turn them into hours or even minutes.
Now everyone involved in the collaboration meets on UCaaS. They all see each other, hear each other, can message each other, share files with each other, share their screens with each other, make editing changes on each other’s screen all at the same time. Even the approvers can participate at which point everyone leaves the videoconference with the document completed, approved, and on its way.
And all the tools each person needs, including word processing, spreadsheets, graphic design, imagery, and more are all available. Even the project management system used to run the entire project is immediately accessible to everyone while they’re collaborating. Seamless. Transparent. Fun!
ProTech IT Group Inc. consults with your teams to determine their needs so every tool, every facility, every data source is available to every user with the security credentials required to access them.

Ask About ProTech IT Group Inc. Unified Communication Services:
- IP Telephony
- Instant Messaging (Chat)
- Mobility
- Presence
- Unified Messaging (Email Voice Messaging)
- Video Conferencing
- Web Conferencing and Collaboration
- Cisco Contact Center Express
- Microsoft Cloud based O365 solutions & integrations
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